The Best Wished For You

Monday, October 26, 2009

oh well...!!!

Today is my crazy day.....woke up in the morning,going to my agent by taxi and it was soooo damn traffic,hate jakarta so much because of this......3,5 hours sitting in the taxi...damn....and then going to airport.....not so much traffic but was worry could be late for my flight.

But tragedy happened.....i have to provide npwp to get free fiscal to get out from my country which i dont have it money in my pocket....called here and there to cry for help but nothing.....i also called my bank to transfer my money as soon as possible but would be arrive 3 hours after my departure,MAMA MIA.....hate my life in airport......:(

my flight was almost run out of time....but i did check in....alot of people tried to help me in this matter....luckily there is a guy named brams.....helped me to get that damn free fiscal,wuih.....!!! i run here and there.....the airport agents also used their walky talky to make sure that airplane would not leave without me....:(

finally i could get in to hard time in imigration.....but now im im sitting in hongkong's airport waiting for my next flight to rome.


Friday, October 16, 2009


Here is tired and sick!!
YoUvaN hEndRasTo wiDodO

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


At least 75 people confirmed dead as quake of 7.6 brings down hospital, hotels and bridges in western Sumatra

Indonesian authorities were gearing up for a massive rescue operation after thousands of people were trapped under the rubble of collapsed buildings and dozens were confirmed dead following a powerful earthquake in the Indonesian city of Padang.

The magnitude 7.6 quake was centred 32 miles north-west of the city in western Sumatra, said the US geological survey.

Indonesia's vice-president, Jusuf Kalla, said at least 75 people had been killed and the deathtoll was likely to rise.

"Many others are trapped in collapsed shops, building and hotels. It is difficult to know because it is dark now," Kalla said at a late night press conference.

Rustam Pakaya, the head of the health ministry's disaster centre, said a hospital near the epicentre had also collapsed.

"Jamil hospital collapsed and thousands of people are trapped in the rubble of buildings," Pakaya said.

An earlier quake prompted a tsunami that struck the Pacific islands of Samoa and American Samoa, killing more than 100 people.

Local reports said the Indonesian quake brought down buildings and bridges, damaged houses and started fires.

Erwinsyah Sipahutar, a lecturer at the Padang Industrial Technic Academy told Indonesian website Tempo over the telephone: "We were shaken like matchsticks." He said students had fled the campus as the earthquake hit and shattered most of the building's windows.

"A number of hotels in Padang have been destroyed," Rahmat Triyono, of the Indonesian geophysics and meteorology agency was quoted as saying by the Jakarta Post. "Up to now we haven't been able to reach Padang. Communications have been cut."

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Centre issued an alert but later cancelled it. Tremors from the quake were said to have been felt in Malaysia and Singapore.

A 6.2-magnitude aftershock followed the initial quake about 22 minutes later, the meteorological agency said.

The earthquake came hours after another quake triggered a tsunami that left at least 100 people dead on the Pacific islands of Samoa and American Samoa.

A resident described the scene to Indonesia's Metro Television. "For now I can't see dead bodies, just collapsed houses. Some half-destroyed, others completely. People are standing around too scared to go back inside. They fear a tsunami.

"No help has arrived yet. I can see small children standing around carrying blankets. Some people are looking for relatives but all the lights have gone out completely."

Other eyewitness accounts said people fled on to the streets as buildings collapsed.

"Hundreds of houses have been damaged along the road," Reuters quoted a witness as saying. "There are some fires, bridges are cut and there is extreme panic here because water pipes are broken and there is flooding in the streets."

Some telecommunications networks in West Sumatra were down preventing updates on the situation getting through, according to reports. The health ministry has dispatched medical teams carrying food supplies to Padang and Pariaman, also in West Sumatra, according to the Jakarta Post. Tempo reported that in Pekanbaru, about 125 miles north-east of Pariaman, and Jambi and Bengkulu, both 250 miles from Pariaman, people had fled houses and offices, spilling onto the streets.

Padang, a city of 900,000 people, sits on one of the world's most active faultlines along the "ring of fire", where the Indo-Australia plate and the Eurasia tectonic plate grind together to cause frequent tremors and, occasionally, large earthquakes.

The same faultline caused the 2004 tsunami in which 232,000 people died in Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India and other countries across the Indian Ocean.

"Padang sits right in front of the area with the greatest potential for an 8.9 magnitude earthquake," Danny Hilman Natawidjaja, a geologist at the Indonesian Science Institute, said earlier this year. "The entire city could drown in a tsunami triggered by such a quake," he said.
YoUvaN hEndRasTo wiDodO

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Looooong night!!

Well,here I'm okay and just solved a bit of my best friend problem....:)

She is nicole,she will come to jakarta and stays here @my home,yipeeeee!!!!

Gonna be great and soooo much fun,coz my family can speak english well....also she must teach them how to speak it,cooool....!!

She has a lot of trouble with her love....poor her....but hopes she can understand and be patient,not so easy ,takes time to convince his mom to accept her in his family.

4 days more to see her again and can't wait,hihihi.....!!

YoUvaN hEndRasTo wiDodO

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Oh...wish my wish be true....!!

Everybody in this world has hopes and wishing can be true...I'm also the same.

Nobody can notice me what I like,what I need and what I want.

For sure my wish for good human kind...!

Beside that I really want my father be good and be healthy like before that tragedy happen.

I know all people wants too....hope my family and my people are happy too.

Actually I never felt so lonely or need someone to be with....but I just feel when I need a person can be available anytime for me.

I always take all my problems easy....but behind that I cry so much....coz I hate sadness.

Dear God....You know all the things what inside of my head....I trust You...and will give me the best for my life.
YoUvaN hEndRasTo wiDodO

Sunday, September 6, 2009

My dad is sick again:((

Today when I was sleeping next to my daddy,I heard he painted so sad....he said that the pain was so hurt and made him couldn't sleep.

In the afternoon same thing happened....he couldn't eat and sleep well...I offered him to see doctor or go to hospital but he refused....he said gonna be okay.

I went to supermarket and bought some milk and some hot cream to reduce his pain.

Now he can sleep....and my worry is still in my head....ready in emergency situation:(

Hope he will be okay.....:(

YoUvaN hEndRasTo wiDodO

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Counting days

Here I go counting down until my very best friend come to jakarta to stay with me for a month which I only 18 days left....Nicole,hehehehe....I make a lot of plan for us while she is here....gonna be so much travel,going to everywhere,hihihihi

Hope in the end of this month my babe also come to Jakarta from Germany....can't wait to see again,attending tary's wedding in Medan is one of the highlight of my vacation here.

Everything is planned just see what God's will.....I love all of these people for sure want them happy while staying here with me.

Its one year already after my visit in Beinstein...was great days during my stays great.
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Saturday, August 29, 2009


Oh well,today is saturday and I had aloooong sleep coz was along day to wake up yesterday.

I feel so fresh now...woke up @ 4pm....and nothing to do,hehehehehe

This is my vacation @ home...but not always like this....for sure will be much better than ever.
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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Hate waiting

Mmmmhhhh,right now I have to wait again,waiting for taking picture to put in my newest passport....sure gonna take soooo long....:(

This kind of bad system to make a new passport.....still use old system....and the place is not clean...:(

I'm hungry....this month is ramadhan but I can't do fasting...too bad for my stomach.
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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

My good day.

Phuuuuh,at least I could have a good day here also,even soooo damn hot in Jakarta but in the afternoon I went to E-x and I found a nice store to pimp up my right now it looks so glamours,hehehehehe

I choosed a beautifull colours for this device,My God....I'm so falling in love,hehehehe coz looks so pretty and wonderfull,I'm gonna use this all the time of my life.
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Sunday, August 23, 2009


Just found out that britney spears also uses blackberry same as me,hehehehe!!! COOL!!!
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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Nice way I found to up date my blog,hehehehe

Wow,very easy and nice way to up date this blog,just only using my BB....magicly my blog will be up dated hah!!!

Anyway I try to put my newest niece pic here,here name is azna but I call her anna or princess anna,hehehehe,looks so cute,funny and great,she is chubby,quite,very calm and so fantastic baby.
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Hot day in jakarta

Don't know why here is sooo hot and I feel like just want to stay @home...browsing and up dating my blog,its been a long time I didn't open my blog again,hehehehe
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my third day @home

After my arrival in jakarta 3 days ago.....i feel like alot of things to be done at this house...everything is so mess and doesnt look good.

i realize that its very small house....and we cant do much thing about it.....but little by little i will fix this.

my luxury life must end for the moment....thinks more about my family and figure it out how to manage all stuff include my monetary problems,hehehehe

people might think i have a bunch of money in my account but honestly its false,im not as that rich guy in their mind.

Anyway.....dont know how long i stay here...but for sure will be much better than ever for my entire family.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

youvan´s stories

Youvan story´s

Today was a great day…i spent it just for working and not so much problems i have,started working to open the beach bar with my barchef Daniel…..and once more i excepted from the dril,hehehehe…very nice …..and then the weather was nice also…I think that the beginning of my beautifull day.
In the bar I met nice people who regonized me during my snapsi time in the restaurants,hehehe…it is funny….i feel that only one day I can be so famous… so lucky for doing this job…..hope I can make more better than ever.
After 11.30am I got my break and I found nice meal for me…heheehe…..its chicken barberque and ice cream,banana fruits,I had also chicken soups,mmmmmhhh….very delicious……today I keep away from spicy food,coz I remember about my illness,hope that doesn’t happen again in my life,ya.
Hit my bed for a nap at 12.05pm hehehe…slept like a baby…..and rest my body,my mind from all the activities for a moment.
My handy rang to wake me up at 16.35 time to take a shower and do little bit hair treatment…..sometimes 30 min in the bath room is not enough for me,hehehehehe……and then I dressed up,put little bit make up on my face,hehehehe…..and ready to have my dinner at 17.11
My dinner also nice….i ate another chicken barbeque……time went so fast until I had to get to work again,mama mia.
But in front of elevator I met hotel manager…looking at me when I was doing teeth checking on the mirror,was amazed me…when he greeted me ¨good evening¨,hahahahahha
Good evening vinotek….my bar,hehehehe…..i got there and I found moses waiting for me,hehehehe…sorry for little bit late,ya…..i checked all the wines whiched Daniel ordered a night before……and everything was complete just one mistake that he didn’t order allegro cigars but intermezzo cigars… moses must go back to store and get the right one for us.
After I set up the bar to open for that evening… time then to set up my snapsi car,hehehehehe.
At 19.00 is the time to begin my adventure with snapsi taxi,hahahahaha……was great today that I met with the people with smiling face,happy because my present in that restaurant,hehehehehe
So my selling for today was good almost 400euros,hahahahaha…..that is good.
Because I was so busy…made the time went so fast and I finished my duty for snapsi around 21.38 hehehehe……but I have to do little bit more duty after that……I had to go to casino for checking some people who like to buy something from me….i found Ms.manuela,mr.klaus and mr fredy…..bought my pink champagne,hehehehe that’s cool.
Then 23.00 is my time to close my bar and everything is clean and tidy…finished at 23.30 I was on my cabin and watching CNN,heard about flu epidemic in 18 countries around the world is so sad….hope those virus will be gone and no more people get sick because of that.
Now is 2.23 in the morning that I need to finish this……I must go to sleep now….hoping tomorrow is another good day for me and for everybody in this lovely earth.
Love you all
To be continued

Friday, March 20, 2009

Today i feel so good and i hope my days will always be better....and i hope also i can watch britney spears concert....dont know when...but ireally hope someday its happen to me,heheheheheheeh

Monday, February 2, 2009


this year is so hard for me to believe about decision that i made so i have to survive from all of this.....i just want to be happy and be cool.